Sunday, September 24, 2006

Shoreline Cleanup

We took part in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup last week. The section of waterfront that we were responsible for was a duck pond and stream not far from where we live.

Here are the kids assessing the job - there were a lot of plastic bags and coffee cups in the water.

Here's Bee collecting bits from the underbrush. Apparently the small pieces of garbage are as much or more of a problem than the big stuff because the ducks and birds eat it which can kill them, and when they decompose, the plastic remains and the cycle begins again, killing countless animals.

Here's a picture of the happy ducks enjoying their clean surroundings. We've found some pretty strange things doing this over the years (thankfully there were no needles this time), but the worst thing we found this year was an empty propane canister in the water.

Leaving the park clean is rewarding for everyone, but the best thing is that I don't think any of the kids involved will ever litter after taking part in an event like this, and will certainly become more aware of what a problem garbage is.

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