Monday, October 15, 2007

Jackson Pollock for a Day

We've been a lot of really neat things this year, but I haven't had a chance to post about any of them yet!

I can tell you that I finally came to my senses and withdrew from the program we were registered with. I found that the reporting was taking up the little bit of free time I do have lately, and the last thing I want is for this house project to become something that the kids suffer from. My hope is that I'll be better at keeping up with this blog so we'll have a bit of a reminder of our year. Though we're missing the funding, I'm not missing the hoop jumping!

Today Jay went to a birthday party today at a local art studio where the kids got to pretend they were Jackson Pollock and did some paint throwing. Can you say fun?!

They mostly threw the paint using large brushes, but they also got to pop balloons full of paint. I can't think of anything that a group of 8 year old boys would enjoy more, and frankly, I'm a little surprised at how clean he was at the end of it!

Can you tell by the expression on his face that he's liking this art form? Heaven help me if he takes this up seriously!


Heather said...

Last year my boys and I were reading about Jackson Pollock and we found this fun game, maybe your son would enjoy it.
Every time you left click the colour changes. Fun!!

mar said...

Our daughter has been going to those classes here on the island for nearly 2 years and she's having her birthday party there on Friday! We *love* it!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. Glad you came to a decision with the program you were in. Sometimes it is just freeing to make the decision, but with letting go of the extra paperwork, I am sure you will be happy with the extra time for other things. I did a list of home school field trips on my blog today. And, I don't know if it is something you would use where you are, but I have my root cellar post below that. Thought I would give you the heads up in case you didn't get over there in the next day or two.

Oh, I am surprised how clean he is too, and I absolutely love the resulting art, it is fabulous.

Anonymous said...

What program were you with? I am looking for something...preferably with money included! I have moved to BC from Saskatoon. In SK we did have to supply a year end report/portfolio and one philosophy of Education per child but we also got $1000 to spend as we liked.

Cheryl said...

Heather - Thanks for the link!

Mar - Lucky girl, it seems like a great program!

Dawn - Isn't the painting nice?
Thanks for the heads-up on your posts, I do intend to put in a root cellar one day.

Sarah - We were with Wondertree's Self Design program. They are very child-leed, but are under a lot more scrutiny because they are a private school, so the reporting is pretty intense. It worked well for us for 3 years though, and we may return to it once things calm down for us.
Good luck!

Cheryl said...

Oops, that should be "child-led".